Smooth Handover between Service Providers is Difficult, if Not Impossible.
The role of Lead Logistics Provider (LLP) attributed to 4PL companies becomes increasingly expensive due to the needs to deploy resources throughout the logistics execution value chain. These resources can be attributed to coordination and/or monitoring roles which is costly to deploy.

Lack of Ownership from Service Provider during Handover to Other Parties
Service Providers are expected to go an extra mile during the handover processes to the other Service Provider. More often than not, the handover plan is far from perfect. Deviations are not expected hence a dent in the overall Shipment P&L
Deployed Resources Become More Costly as Execution Goes More Complex
We hear it often: coordinators, supervisors, leads. Many LLP put these roles to ensure smooth handover between parties. It comes at a cost which goes into the bottom line of Shipment P&L and hurts the intended efficiency.
Eleventh-hour Decisions are Seldom Satisfactory
LLP needs to make hard decisions on daily basis during logistics execution processes. These tough decisions are unquantifiable and most of the time goes undocumented. It gets unearthed only when the Shipment P&L report gets executed and analyzed.
Supporting Documents during Executions are Scattered Everywhere
Paperwork are unavoidable, so does other supporting documents created during logistics execution. WhatsApp group becomes the primary comms channel and the burden is given to LLP to collate all these data for collection purposes.
Enabling Service Providers to Seamlessly Report and Capture All Data Points During Execution
The platform allows Service Providers to easily communicate and report any important updates during execution; as easy as using WhatsApp for their day-to-day tools. Data are automatically collated and grouped by topic for easy retrieval and to be used as decision data points
Deviations are Fully Embraced by the Platform as It Enriches Its Knowledge
The platform comes with a full set of tools and processes to easily capture deviations and keep all parties to be well informed, including other Service Providers. P&L impacts are shown in time for decision making purposes.
“Digital Control Tower” to Substitute Coordinator Roles
Digital Control Tower is our answer to the ever increasingly need for on-site coordinators. LLP operation control room will be equipped with this Digital Control Tower to help operation team coordinate the handover processes.
Just-In-Time Timely Collated Information at Your Fingertips
The technology provides the necessary collated information throughout the execution processes for quick and well-informed decisions to be made by the Operation team. In addition, it captures the decisions made for audit purposes.
Digital Repository for all Primary and Supporting Documents
We accept the fact that Logistics Execution is inseparable from hardcopies and its supporting documents. The platform allows automatically collates/groups the raw data so as to let go the needs for administrative work.